Welcome to D.S. al Moda!

Photo by Luke Weber

My name is Debbie Seeger, and I’m an accomplished music print publishing Production Editor seeking opportunities to enhance an organization or individual’s media project management operations. My professional experience has fostered a passion for thinking, working, and learning to effectively participate in the creative process. I’m a stickler for details, so if a client or team member overlooks an error my eagle eye will find and fix it!

I’m also open to occasional freelance gigs, including editorial production guidance for independent non-fiction authors. Please see my Other Services page to view writing samples, as well as unique tasks that may be overlooked by media creators.

Master Communicator & Collaborator

My publishing journey began at Hal Leonard, the world’s largest music print publisher. I started as a Music Engraver (note setter) before progressing to the multi-faceted role of Production Editor. Due to economic conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, my position was eliminated by the company in 2020. I love variety in my workday and am searching for my next career adventure!


  • Coordinated production of hundreds of best-selling books for the world’s largest music print publisher, contributing to record-breaking industry trade show sales
  • Served as editor and consultant for the independently-published book Music Theory for the Bass Player, a frequent Amazon Best Seller in its primary book category since 2015
  • Improved Hal Leonard’s inventory supply chain by efficiently managing reprints to prevent back orders, prioritizing based on warehouse quantity on hand and average number of units sold per month
  • Solved layout problems for products reprinted without prepress updates by collaborating with Hal Leonard’s Creative Services and Digital Print departments
  • Implemented procedures to ensure proper music royalty payouts of digital media and researched patent mills, enhancing intellectual property knowledge
  • Conducted research as needed to update and improve information in publication reprints, preserving relevance during life of product

Copy, Graphics & Music Notation Editing & Proofreading | Graphic Design Fundamentals | Technological Adaptability | PC & Mac Operating Systems| Basic Spanish Language Communication


RELATOR: Relates well to others, is approachable and empathetic
TEAM: Cooperative, supportive, and altruistic in thought and action
DIRECTION: Ability to offer guidance and convey messages to others
EXPECTATIONS: A keen desire to be the best compared to others
PROBLEM SOLVER: Understands and can effectively solve complex problems